Tag Archive | arthritis

This Year Be Active!

I am not talking about exercise, but relaxing!! It is one of the best things you can do for yourself this year. Relaxing With Reflexology is an active way to proceed. It is healing, smoothing, and feels so good.

Just give me a call, and let’s get started.

Sharon West, RCR

731-589-0380  or 731-627-0053

Arthritis and Reflexology Support

Arthritis can be a painful and crippling disease caused by inflammation of the joints. Studies in China in 1996 suggest that reflexology had  a beneficial effect for 91-95 percent of those suffering from arthritis.

As a relaxation technique, all reflexology points are manipulated, but the adrenal glands, kidneys and solar plexus as well as the area of the joints themselves may be tender (knees, hips,ect). Using gentle pressure to the reflex  may bring relief.

I love to see the way reflexology helps people. Relaxing can be part of any healing plan.


Sharon West, RCR                   Dyersburg, TN

731-627-0053                  731-589-0380