Just Let This Christmas Be

While I hope your Christmas will be merry, let’s just let it be. Besides dealing with COVID-19, many I know has been in overwhelm. Me, I am one. My practice is closed and my mother has cancer. My sister and I take turns staying with her. Yet, our journey is easier than many.

I am taking one day at a time and looking for grace all around. Little things mean a lot these days. We have been gifted with food, cards and gifts. Zoom chats with my son keep me sane. As the cook most days, I really appreciate the food!

Merriest Christmas you can! Someday, we will do reflexology together!

This entry was posted on December 24, 2020.

Healing the Broken

Tonight, some are dancing in the streets and some are sad,mad and hurt. As Americans, we are all broken. There just been too much. Will we participate in the healing? Healing the broken will take us bringing our wounded hearts and minds to each other.

Sharon West

Registered Certified Reflexologist

11-7-2020 The calendar is off a day.

This entry was posted on November 7, 2020.

Blue Moon

Tonight, I watched the blue moon rise over the trees. Earlier, my sister and mother looked for it. Mother has cancer. It will be a challenge ahead. Through the years, along with my dad, we have watched Sputnik, comets, moons and stars. It is a cool thing to share.

This is October 31,2020. My calendar is a day off.

This entry was posted on November 1, 2020.


Disappointed is better than depressed, but not much.Like everyone else, I thought the worse of Corona virus would be better by now. Now, I know too many people with it. The cases are soaring in both Dyer county and the nation. It is so frustrating that everyone is stressed and to not be able to do reflexology. I need to do my own feet! Please,wear a mask.

This is Saturday, October 24, 2020. My calendar is showing the wrong date.

This entry was posted on October 25, 2020.

It Is Worse

COVID-19 is awful in Dyer County, 30+ a day. I am 67 and must protect my mother as well. Praying for the day when the numbers drop. Take care and wear a mask!!

This entry was posted on October 11, 2020.

Reflexology Is A Gift

Sometimes you don’t know what to do. How can I be helpful? Sometimes, reflexology is my answer. Tomorrow my Mother goes for surgery for Merkel cell cancer on her forehead. Merkel cell is very rare, invasive and aggressive.

It has been a gift to do her feet! Her adrenal and solar plexus reflexes are tender. They are greatly affected by stress. I am so grateful to serve my mother this way.

I hope to be back in the office soon. Cases keep increasing in Dyer County and I am a senior. Stay tuned.

Sharon West, Registered Certified Reflexologist

October 1,2020

This entry was posted on October 2, 2020.

“Doing Feet” in This Pandemic

Tonight, I did a reflexology session on my porch. He wore a mask and I wore a shield. He sat in my rocking chair. There are challenges being outside,hot,humid weather, thunderstorms and critters, but tonight it was lovely.

This entry was posted on August 1, 2020.

Checking In

Everything just seems more complicated during this pandemic. How are you? How are we really doing? My mother fell and it worked out for me to be home. I could not work, but qualified for unemployment. I could not see my doctor at Vandy, but we did FaceTime. Now, I am waiting on the plumber, again, and writing my blog. I am doing alright. I hope you are. We need patience with ourselves, and hang on, we will “do feet” real soon.

This entry was posted on July 15, 2020.

Sciatica and Reflexology

Sciatic pain is awful! I have had several clients find relief with reflexology. Right now, my challenge is with my mother. She is 89 and recently fell. Her CT scan was ok, so she probably has a bone bruise and sciatica. The reflex for the sciatic nerve is very tender, as well as the hip reflex. We are doing everything we can think of, plus her meds. Reflexology is certainly part of the plan. It helps me feel not so helpless and a soothing touch for her.

This entry was posted on July 6, 2020.

Father’s Day Stress

Father’s Day can be a day of celebration and love, but for some it just isn’t. It can be a sad, depressing and an angry time, if your father has died or just absent. That sure causes stress. If so, it is important to be kind to yourself through this time. Reflexology helps to reduce stress.

Sharon West, Registered Certified Reflexologist

Dyersburg, TN 731-589-0380

This entry was posted on June 20, 2020.