I picked up a few limbs in the driveway and started back in the house to leave for work. Then, I saw it–a snake in the grass! Being moderately terrified of snakes, the adrenaline rush hit, pounding heart and all. It was “fight or flight.” I ran to get the hoe.
Reminding myself to breathe, I donned my gloves (I don’t know why–I sure wasn’t going to touch it.) and went back to fight. The snake had not moved. I whacked it; it did not move. I whacked it several times. It was already dead. Oh. I picked it up with the hoe and disposed of it. I put everything up, washed my hands (snake germs from afar?) and went to do reflexology.
My adrenaline had not totally dissipated when I got to the office. I turned on the diffuser with lavender, worked my adrenal reflexes on both feet and laughed as I told me tale to others. Later, I walked two miles. I went to the C0-Op and got some snake repellent.
Sometimes, life can stress us out but it is bad when stress becomes chronic. Sometime stress is like a dead snake, much ado about nothing, but the adrenaline level still rises. Reflexology is an active way to help manage your stress. ” Reflexology–where stress meets its match”
Sharon, West RCR
731-589-0380 731-627-0053