Tigger Tale

I was trying to come up with a blog idea and it just jumped in my lap, well, Tigger that is.He just moved to the printer that he usually turns on. Tigger has had a rough week.

I went out to get the mail and Tigger ran in, soaking wet! There is a story there that I would love to know. I toweled him off and he went to sleep in his favorite chair. I could tell it hurt his feelings but no coughing or difficulty breathing. I gave him Sovereign Silver which is ok for cats. He didn’t sleep with me and my two other cats. Tigger is my go-to buddy. He watches over me.

The next morning he did not come out for his meat or to go outside. I called and called. No Tigger. I looked in all the usual places and then some. I couldn’t find him. I ran errands and came back determined to find him. Again, I searched. I called. I was getting worried, trying not to freak out. He was in this house somewhere!

I went back to the biggest closet and took out the vacuum and bags. I dove deep in the back of the closet. There he sat in a box. I was so relieved and aggravated. He was alive but not lively. I got a dropper and gave him water. He was not amused, but he drank it. I was worried about pneumonia. I just let him have his solitude.

Last night he came out and he was limping! At first I though it was broken, but then noted the other foot was bent in the same place. It isn’t the pad of the paw. I am not sure. Poor baby.

Today, he is more involved and not limping as bad. I put CBD oil on it but not sure it is the right spot. I still have not seen him eat more than a little meat. I know I should see a vet but that isn’t possible right now. My Emergency Fund is down and I am not working because of the coronavirus. I am using the tools I have. Hydrate and observe.

I hope your week has been better than Tig’s. I hope his and therefore, mine will be better.

Sharon West, RCR

Reflexologist Dyersburg< TN

This entry was posted on March 28, 2020. Bookmark the permalink.