Coming To Terms With Mariah

The Broadway musical, “Paint Your Wagon” features a song “They Call The Wind Mariah.”

….”Mariah blows the stars around and sends the clouds aflying” came to mind as I watched the chilly wind blowing from my front porch. I just don’t tolerate the wind, especially a cold one. It sends me scurrying back to the warmth of inside. I resent it. In the Spring  and Fall she brings pollen and in the Winter, she brings bone-chillin’ to this skinny one.

So get over it,” I tell myself. Wind happens and so does Winter. That is easier said than done but dreading does no good either. I can stress or get prepared, enjoy the reflection time under my sunlight lamp and snuggle into my  blanket and rest. Ok. I will and not miss this time in, while I pray for Spring to come back soon.

Sharon West, RCR

Newbern, TN

Dyersburg, TM


This entry was posted on October 4, 2015. Bookmark the permalink.