Labor Day Chill and Awareness of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Labor Day seems to be a time of change. Today the fair opens, the temperature is cooler and Fall  is near.

Some people use today as a chill day, while for others, it is the last whoop-lah of Summer– either is a good idea.

For me, I become aware of a certain melancholy that I must address. I have Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and I have to watch to not panic-ahead toward Winter. I truly want to get outside this Fall and enjoy myself.

What does this have to do with reflexology? For one, if you have SAD, you have ( in me) a friend who can relate. Stress is stress and SAD certainly qualifies. Reflexology embraces you in relaxation. You are welcome here.

This entry was posted on September 4, 2017. Bookmark the permalink.